Creating KDE Applications: The Build System


A build system manages the source file dependencies, and solves the problems of linking all compiled files and libraries manually. It is the essential component to create large software packages.

GNU Build System

Most software projects use the build system originally invented by GNU; the magic ./configure, make, make install steps. To make software easy to compile, package and install it's recommended to use the GNU Build System.

From a tool like KDevelop, most requires files are automatically generated. Using a few commands, the complex This is configure script can be generated automatically. There are several files involved in the building process.

Admin folder

The admin folder contains a lot of magic files, and should not be touched. It also contains the KDE extensions to Automake, to make the development of KDE applications easier. For newer KDE versions, the admin folder should be updated with the contents of $KDEDIR/share/apps/kdelibs/admin/.

The file contains the build instructions and list the files to be compiled. Each folder in a project may include such file.

If a file is updated, the files should be re-generated using the command make -f Makefile.dist.

The file is the template for the configure script. The final configure script is generated using the macro language M4. With KDE applications, this file is created automatically from multiple files located in the project subfolders.

The files contain additional code for the configure script. New parameters and new configure checks can be added here. The code is written in an old UNIX macro language called M4. Each subfolder may include a file.

If a file is updated, the configure script should be re-generated using the command make -f Makefile.dist.

The may contain addition shell code that will be added at the end of the final configure script. It can be used to print a final message, or configure status report.

The files are generated from the files. They contain the template for the final Makefile code. This template includes placeholders for the settings configure detects later.


As the configure script runs, it performs all checks and generates the Makefile in each directory. These files contain the exact instructions to build the software.

Each Makefile file is generated from a template file. The configure script simply replaces the placeholders with the detected values.


The configure script also generates the file config.h. This file contains all results of the configure script. This can be included by C++ code to enable certain features in #if .. #endif blocks.

Generated intermediate files

Many files are generated on the fly, or act as template for the final compilation. These templates are used to make the source more portable. Only developers are required to have Automake, Autoconf and M4 installed. Before a new source package is released, a developer runs make -f Makefile.dist to generate all template files and the configure script. At the end user system, configure only has to replace the placeholders in each template file to generate the final files.

Code examples for a subfolder

For a library (subfolder) in a project, a file may look like:

Sample for a library:
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)##########

noinst_LIBRARIES = libsettings.a

libsettings_a_METASOURCES = AUTO
libsettings_a_SOURCES     = imagewidgetinterface.ui imagewidget.cpp \

INCLUDES   = $(all_includes)
EXTRA_DIST = settingsdialog.h imagewidget.h

The libraryname_SOURCES section contains a list of all files that should be compiled. The imagewidgetinterface.ui file will be translated to C++ code automatically by the KDE extensions of Automake. for a rootfolder

The top src folder often has a file line this one:

Sample for a binary:
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)##########

# Define the program to compile
bin_PROGRAMS  = kmess

# Define which source files and libraries this program needs
kmess_SOURCES = kmess.cpp kmessinterface.cpp
kmess_LDADD   = $(top_builddir)/kmess/settings/libsettings.a \
                $(LIB_KDEUI) $(LIB_KDECORE) $(LIB_KIO) $(LIB_QT)
kmess_LDFLAGS = $(KDE_RPATH) $(all_libraries)

# Define the subdirs to look into
SUBDIRS = settings pics sounds

# Define the icon
# AUTO requires the "<theme><size><type><name>png" file naming convension

# Define the KDE menu entry
xdg_apps_DATA    = kmess.desktop

# Define another target for the 'eventsrc' file (for KNotify)
generaldatadir   = $(kde_datadir)/kmess
generaldata_DATA = eventsrc

# Define another target for header files that should not be installed
noinst_HEADERS   = kmess.h kmessinterface.h

# Define another target to use KDE´s XML GUI builing
rcdir   = $(kde_datadir)/kmess
rc_DATA = kmessui.rc

# Define the include path for the g++ compiler command.
# (set to X, qt and KDE here)
INCLUDES = $(all_includes)

# Make sure the program can be debugged

# Define how 'moc' should use the Qt .moc.cpp, .moc.h files

# Define a Makefile target to generate the translation template
# This is po/kmess.pot here, a template to create new translations
# The rc.cpp dependency contains all messages from the .ui files
messages: rc.cpp
	$(EXTRACTRC) `find . -name \*.ui -o -name \*.rc ` > rc.cpp
	LIST=`find . -name \*.h -o -name \*.cpp -o -name \*.cc`; \
	if test -n "$$LIST"; then \
	  $(XGETTEXT) $$LIST -o $(podir)/kmess.pot; \

The bin_PROGRAMS line defines the program kmess. This name reoccurs in the kmess_SOURCES, kmess_LDADD and kmess_LDFLAGS lines.

The SUBDIRS section also lists the settings where the previous example is listed. The remaining part of the file is quite self-explanatory. for the pics folder

The example above also lists the pics and sounds folders. Their code is displayed below.

Sample for the pics folder:
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)##########

# Define a new target for pics
generalpicsdir   = $(kde_datadir)/kmess/pics
generalpics_DATA = away.png \
                   berightback.png \
                   blocked.png \
                   busy.png \
                   invisible.png \
                   lunch.png \
                   offline.png \
                   online.png \
                   onthephone.png for the sounds folder

This is an example for a sounds folder.

Sample for the sounds folder:
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)##########

# Leave it up to KDE where these files are installed
kde_sound_DATA = kmess_chat.ogg kmess_logoff.ogg kmess_logon.ogg
EXTRA_DIST     = $(kde_sound_DATA)

The top defines the general targets to initialize the build system, and it's SUBDIRS line lists the subfolders src, po, doc. This file is identical for most projects.

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