Installing X-Forum: File Structure Details


Theoretically, you only have to copy the directory structure to make it work. That means you need to extract the downloaded archive, with the 'Use Directories' feature on. However, there are some minor differences when running this program with the Microsoft Internet Information Server, or running it with a UNIX/Linux machine.

This page also explains the details about each file you need to upload.

File structure

The directory structure should be placed at the "website root".

Please use the same case. Most webservers (UNIX-based) have a case-sensitive file names.

For Linux and UNIX, the required file permissions are added behind the file names.

Most FTP-Clients include a dialog to change the file-permissions. From the command-line FTP-client you need to type literal SITE CHMOD mode filename to change the permissions of the files.

CGI Scripts and storage

These files should be uploaded to the cgi-bin.

The archive contains .htaccess files for each cgi-bin sub-directory, but they are not always shown here. Those .htaccess files deny the web-server to serve the content from those folders. This is just a precausion for web servers that have been configured in an insecure way (the default set-up of apache doesn't allow this behavour).

Just to let you know...
Note that some FTP-Client programs upload unreconized file-types as BINARY by default. Force the client to use ASCII transfer mode instead (don't rely on the automatic mode).
FilenameUNIX Permissions
cgi-bin -
x-forum.cgi 755 or 777 644 or 666
x-codelibs -
.htaccess -
forum -
*.pl -
x-data 777 or 766
.htaccess -
forum 777 or 766
groups 777 or 766
logs 777 or 766
members 777 or 766
messages 777 or 766
posts 777 or 766
settings 777 or 766
subjects 777 or 766
topics 777 or 766
x-languages 666 or -
.htaccess -
forum 666 or -
english.lang -
english 666 or -
*.hlp -

X-Forum HTML includes

This directory structure can be safely placed at the "website root".

FilenameUNIX Permissions
xf-libaries -
input.css 666 or -
style.css 666 or -
testinput.js -
xbbc.js -

Images and avatars

This directory structure can be safely placed at the "website root". The files in this directory should be uploaded as BINARY with your FTP-Client program.

FilenameUNIX Permissions
x-images -
folders -
icons -
membericons -
posticons -
smileys -
treelevel -
xbbc -

Additional CGI modules

This directory structure should be placed in the cgi-bin/x-modules folder. Unfortunately, Microsoft IIS (version 5.0 and below) have a bug which requires these files to be stored in the "website-root"/x-modules folder.

FilenameUNIX Permissions
CGI - - - -
File - -
HTML - -
INet - -
Test - - -
Time - - -
Text - -
Zones - -

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